Jan. 22, 2024

34- She's Dead You Bitch

34- She's Dead You Bitch

One wet, cold, snowy night, my boyfriend, a good friend and I were having cozy winter cocktails, when the subject on people posting tributes of deceased friends to social media but not disclosing the cause of death came up in conversation. This sparked a three sided debate... I say, if you’re gonna post it, you owe us the details. My boyfriend thinks that that’s private and it needs to be respected. Our friend thinks, a bit of both needs to happen. While we shouldn’t ASSUME, the truth is, drug related deaths have been steadily on the rise for some time now. We’ve all seen friends or friends-of dying of drug related reasons and yet, I feel like everyone is too afraid to discuss it (hence the cause of death remaining a “mystery”). Ultimately, if we want to see less drug related deaths, then the conversation around drug use needs to change. And that’s what this episode is all about… 

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